Many women who are going through the menopause, or suspect that they are, will visit their doctor. Some of us will even visit our doctor because we have started to feel differently and aren’t quite sure why.
As Nice guidelines for doctors were issued in November 2015, sadly this means lots of doctors aren’t experts in the subject. I have spoken to many women who feel like their doctor hasn’t listened or supported them, and they leave the surgery feeling frustrated, and unsupported. So why is this?
Some doctors it seems are not willing to talk about menopause and will either not mention it or say things like,” you are much too young for that.” The average age for menopause is 51, however perimenopause often starts much younger than that. It can happen any time from the age of 45 and it can bring all of the symptoms of menopause with it. There are over 30 symptoms, with the most common being hot flushes, fatigue, memory loss, anxiety and sleepless nights to name but a few.
Some doctors seem to have the very strong opinions and might suggest what they are used to prescribing or what they believe is best for you but remember it’s your body therefore it’s vital that you know what your options are.
What are my options?
Option 1: The medical route which includes HRT of which there are many forms. Unless there is a medical reason you can’t go on it, this option can be a godsend for many women and comes with minimal risks. Also some SSRI’s (antidepressants) can stop hot flushes.
Option 2: The herbal route, which some doctors may call quackery, as their effectiveness is not proven clinically. This route works for many women, however make sure anything you take doesn’t interfere with any conventional medicine you’re on.
Option 3: Holistic treatments, which includes yoga, acupuncture etc. and finally, what you can do yourself. Your diet, lifestyle, how much you drink and whether you’re a smoker. You may wish to try a combination of options.
There are a number of excellent doctors out there but you just have to find them which can be difficult.
How can I get the best from my doctor’s appointment?
Raising awareness about the menopause among women, men, and employers is all about education and making it comfortable and acceptable for people to speak about it. Menopause is not a condition to be treated and cured, it’s a normal stage of life that every woman goes through. Helping people to realise this is my mission.
My training events are aimed at educating HR professionals, managers, and working women about the menopause in a fun, engaging, and informative way.
If you’d like to find out more, contact me at
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